Friday, February 3, 2012


Here's a photo from way back in 2007 and the first GAR I ever caught I was poling along in a small lake in my canoe and I had known there were gar in this lake for a while and that day I was determined to catch one. It was a long day out on the water and I caught my fair share of bass and a few pike but the gar had eluded me up until I finally spotted a pod of them hanging out in the shallows. I made a long cast with a CF baitfish off to the side of them slightly to not spook them but withing sight and began stripping in the fly. It got some attention but none of the gar would commit and eat it. Finally I decided to strip in the fly as fast and I could and WHAM! This 40" ish gar just nailed it as hard as it could and the fight was on. These gar fight incredibly well and for a long time. Unfortunately as I was alone and in a small canoe by myself this is the only decent picture I got of him before he was released.

summer 001

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