Wednesday, March 21, 2012


This has me thinking bass big time! Can't wait to get the boat on the water.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Fly Fishers Open House

It's a month away! Time to mark your calendars and save up some dollars to get a great deal on some gear and meet some company reps, eat some brats, and most of all watch me tie some of my signature patters along with some flies you must have in your box.  Click on the link below for details.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Short vid of the Feenstra crew over in Michigan doing the same as what we do here is Wisco!

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Got out for a day and a half of fishing for opening weekend with my good buddy Hunter. First day was really just us driving around and very little fishing and no fish were caught. The second day was another story. Hunter, Andrew and myself went to some old haunts and some new ones. I decided to bring two rods one with nymphs and one with streamers so I didn't have to re-rig at all. Worked out pretty well. some fish were brought to hand by all along with a really nice 21ish brown which ate a streamer I threw into a deep slow pool.

I have to credit Hunter for all these shots and I'm stealing them from his facebook page.

Friday, March 2, 2012


Me new cards finally arrived.. they're simple but get the job done and have a picture of a huge Bull Trout a client caught last season