Sunday, November 28, 2010

My Fly The "Meal Ticket"

A few years ago I started toying around with an idea for a fly I had come up with using a material that I loved in some other flies (look for Pat's Fur Ball, it is a great smallie fly).  This material is CCT body fur which I can best describe as a synthetic hackle like material.  It keeps a big profile but soaks up water really quick and throws that water when casted so the fly does not become water logged.  I have always loved fishing articulated streamers and it was time I created my own.  Along came the Meal Ticket, although a few of my friends call it the Toad F#*cker.  It was dubber such because on of  the fly's first trials we came across a bunch of toads mating.  That first outing was fairly successful with some really nice brookies caught on.  After a few months of tweaking the fly to keep it from tangling up as much due to the stinger hook and a few name changes for obvious reasons the fly has become what it is today....Hansen's Meal Ticket.  It can be found in Rainy's 2011 catalog.

Scroll to the bottom of the page.  My olive version is on the next page.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Tid bit of info

     So I'm bored at home and waiting to start my new/old job again after a long season guiding and I'm wondering what to do.........well I guess I'll start a blog for my friends and family to look at and know what's going on since it seems like I will be spending half my year in Montana and the other half back in Wisco.

      The name is Sean Hansen and I have a bachelors degree in fisheries biology.  I graduated from UW Stevens Point almost a year ago now and seem to have wasted away this last year.  I decided it was time to further my career in the fly fishing business and move on from my old job at The Fly Fishers in Milwaukee and head to Montana and strictly guide instead of standing in a fly shop for a few years twiddling my thumbs and not doing nearly as much guiding as I would have liked.  so I wound up at Paws Up Outfitters.  Great place to work for and by far the best place for a first year Montana guide like me.  I put on nearly 100 days in my first season.  Now I'm itching to get my own boat and go back.

        A little more info and that'll be the end of my first blog post.  I am an extremely avid fly tier and I recently became a designer for Rainy's Flies thanks in large to my old boss Pat at The Fly Fishers.  I only have one patter with them as of now but soon there will be more.

    One last thing I have another illness besides fly fishing and that's Jeeps and offroading.