Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I headed over the the spring ponds nearby once again when the weather was above freezing again. This time I had a bit more success with the way I like to fish these ponds. Sorry I'm not divulging my techniques that easily, not that it's anything special. Anyway I got myself several browns a bow and a hand full of brookies as well rounding off the day catching all three of the available species in the area. Didn't take too many pics but here are a few of the ones I did take.


Went on a float trip back in December with some friends including my outfitter from back in Montana. A good time was had by all but no fish were caught so not much to talk about except for some funny videos taken by Jeremy my outfitter including one of me falling on my ass. Here they are..... Enjoy! Oh and this was the maiden voyage for me with my new to me Boulder Boat.

Putting in WISCO style! from Jeremy Kehrein on Vimeo.

Putting in Wisco Style 2 from Jeremy Kehrein on Vimeo.

Take out Wisco Style! from Jeremy Kehrein on Vimeo.

Taking out WISCO style 2! from Jeremy Kehrein on Vimeo.

Volk the A Hole.... from Jeremy Kehrein on Vimeo.

Monday, January 9, 2012


Decided to head over to some spring ponds not to far from my place today instead of the tribs in Milwaukee. These ponds are full of spooky trout that love scuds and midges. A pair of really small ponds connected by a short (50 feet)stream held some eager brookies.

It is really hard to see but there was also a nice sized Northern Pike living with these brookies lying in a very good ambush position.

Tried to get this guy with a streamer on my 4 wt but he wasn't having it.

I then headed over to another pond where the fish were a little spookier and didn't want to play with me

I'll leave you with a shot of one of my favorite rods.